A super bright beautiful yellow.
Vegan mineral eyeshadow with sifter seal included in the jar. We strive to keep our products pure, so you won't see any irritating ingredients you want to avoid in most commercial mineral makeup. If you would like to make this a liquid like eyeshadow, dip your brush in water before applying. For all day strength use one of our primers, fix-its, or seal-its.
Mica makeup ingredients: Mica, Magnesium Myristate Boron Nitride Oxides.
VERY yellow!
A while back, I had need of a bright yellow shadow for a special party occasion. I was attempting to use a pressed powder of another brand, and it just wasn't getting close to what I wanted. Then I remembered I had a sample of this shadow. I'd been trying and trying with the other stuff, but one swipe of this and I had nearly the depth and brightness I wanted. So much pigment! It was that event that made me think, "Why am I bothering to experiment with this other stuff when I can get ANF?" I'm done with pallets that I'll only use half because I don't care for the other colors, or they end up like that other yellow mentioned and just don't have the quality of this product. Love my All Natural Face!